
Become a Member

Industry Membership

This Application for Industry Membership is subject to approval by EnergySec.
Industry membership is open to organizations that own or operate energy sector assets, including electric generation, transmission, or distribution, and oil or gas exploration, production, transmission, or distribution facilities.

Primary Contact Information

Please provide the following information about the Primary Contact for this membership:

Payment Information

Please select the option which best describes your organization (See Membership Pricing Table)
Please select a payment method. Once your application has been reviewed and accepted, we will send you an email with either a link for credit card payment, or an invoice, based on your indicated payment method.
Once we review your membership application and successfully process your membership fee, you will receive an email with directions on how to complete our Membership Benefits Request Form. This form explains our areas of expertise and how you can make the most of your membership!
Be sure to read about our Information Sharing and Analysis Organization, Workforce Program, Educational Opportunities, and our Industry Events.

Commercial Membership

This Application for Commercial Membership is subject to approval by EnergySec.
Commercial membership is open to organizations that supply products or services to the energy industry.

Primary Contact Information

Please provide the following information about the Primary Contact for this membership:

Payment Information

Please select the option which best describes your organization's annual revenue
Please select a payment method. Once your application has been reviewed and accepted, we will send you an email with either a link for credit card payment, or an invoice, based on your indicated payment method.

Areas of Interest

Please indicate any programs in which you may wish to participate. We will contact you with more information.
EnergySec conferences (i.e. EnergySec Security and Compliance Summit and EnergySec East) are great ways to engage with industry. Sponsor, speak, or just attend to interact with industry, make new connections, and pursue sales leads. Commercial members get discounts on sponsorship and attendance, and priority-access based on membership tier.

Weekly Update

Our weekly member update provides a recap of news and events relevant to the sector. Commercial members are eligible to include news and events in this newsletter that hits over 1200 industry security and compliance contacts each week.

EnergySec Connected

Our community newsletter sent to all our industry contacts. Print editions are planned to be published quarterly in 2021. Commercial members may place no-cost ads based on their membership tier.

Security Education Weeks

These 4.5 day educational events are designed for early to mid career cybersecurity professionals currently employed at electric utilities in North America. Each week consists of 2-4 learning tracks so that attendees can individualize their learning experience based on their needs. Commercial members are eligible to present during the Education weeks at no cost, but are subject to editorial constraints.

Educational Webinars

No Charge, By Invitation

EnergySec staff organize webinars that are educational in nature relevant to topics of security and critical infrastructure. Want to educate the industry on a particular topic? Partner with us in an educational webinar and get webinar attendee list, follow-up survey and results, assistance from EnergySec staff in creating your webinar and content.

Solutions Webinars


EnergySec organizes presenters to provide awareness of the latest technology products available in cybersecurity and ways these devices can be utilized to secure critical infrastructure. Showcase your product or solution to our members, get the webinar attendee list, follow-up survey and results, assistance from EnergySec staff in creating your webinar and content.

Why join EnergySec? We have a long list of benefits for both industry and commercial members. You can view a detailed breakdown of all EnergySec member benefits, membership pricing, and an up to date list of all our current EnergySec members here. Or, if you’re ready to apply, you can click below. We are so excited to start the membership discussion with you and look forward to your application.
Membership Tier Fee Criteria/Annual Revenue
Very Large BES
Utility/ Holding
$6,000 NERC Registered (TO, TOP, GO,
GOP, BA); Revenue > $3 Billion
Large BES Utility/
Holding Company
$5,000 NERC Registered (TO, TOP, GO,
GOP, BA); Revenue $1–3 Billion
Medium BES Utility $4,000 NERC Registered (TOP, BA);
Revenue < $1 Billion annually
RTO, ISO, RC $3,000 Regional Transmission
Organizations, Independent
System Operators, or Reliability
Small BES Utility $2,500 NERC Registered (TO, GO, GOP);
Not TOP or BA; Revenue < $1
Billion annually
Large Distribution-
Only Utility
$2,000 Not NERC Registered (TO, TOP,
GO, GOP, BA, RC); Meters >
Small Distribution-
Only Utility
$1,000 Not NERC Registered (TO, TOP,
GO, GOP, BA, RC); Meters <